Friday 29 August 2008

A word from the airport

First post since a long time... First of all many thanks to all of you for all your support and comments as they warmed our hearts and kept us going. Mongolia doesn't have much in terms of infrastructure so we couldn't give much updates but we will make up for the time lost.

So what happened? Well on the Monday morning we were meant to cross the Mongolian border, after 5 days of not eating, serious pain in my bowels and blood in my poo I simply wasn't able to leave my tent. Paul dragged me to the car and engaged in a 10 hours drive to the closest city. You know the story. That was bad. I was in dehydradation as everything I drank went straight through my body. And that morning I cried. Cried because of the pain, cried because I thought I would be forced to go home and cried because I tend to always end up in hospital and start to be tired of that. I would like to publicly apology for the panic created whilst we were trying to find a French / British doctor to talk to. I later found out that I was fully covered by my insurance which provided everything from 24/7 doctor access to helicopters. Lesson learned.

So after 3 days spent in the "infectious diseases" section of a Russian hospital (an isolated derelict building in the middle of the forest) I was back on track. They gave me shots in the bum every nights and oatmeal 3 times a day and that seemed to have done the trick (alongside the drop in my arm). Spending time in a Russian hospital is quite an experience which I only recommend if you are very sick. One interesting feature of being in the "infectious diseases" section is that visitors are not allowed to enter the building. So people converse via mobile phone whilst looking at each other through the third floor window. This is great. The hospital is clear of any cluter and doctors can focus fully on fixing people. It is fair to say that the doctors and nurses there where very switched on despite the apparences and did a good job with me. I owe them a lot.

So off we went to Mongolia, blowing into our fuel line every 100 miles or so. Straight from the border the landscape started to change into a mix of Alpine snow capped mountains, prairie and desert. It is quite dramatic and, to us and everyone we met, felt very special.

From that point onward a lot of things happened to us, putting both Paul and I a bit outside of our comfort zone on more than one occasion and pushing us close to abandon again. The full story is coming soon but I've got to catch my plane for now. All I wanted to say is that this was a real adventure, much harder than anything we've done so far, and we both are extremly happy to have done it. We have learned a lot from the experience.

Off to Beijing now.


Anonymous said...

Today, On France 3, there was a documentary on Mongolia ( the landscapes were stunning and the persons seem very friendly. I hope you were fortunate to be invited by locals under a yurt for an evening. Looking forward to seeing your pictures from there.

Enjoy your day in Beijing if you can. Unfortunately too late for the Olympic games and too early for the Paralympics, but in four years they will be in London :)

Thanks. Well done Cédric and Paul.

Brruno said...

You guys have survived the Vikings, the Russian mafia, the Kazakh desert, the "infectious diseases" section of a Russian hospital and untold stories in Mongolia. So, Cedric, interested in trying to fly to New York one more time?

the english parents said...

As a parent it is good that we learn the full extent of what you went through sfter the events. We worried so much about you both and are so pleased that you both have got through it now. It's an experience that you'll never forget and we can't tell you just how proud we are of you both. Well done, and congatulations. with love Mum and Dad x

Anonymous said...

Quelle aventure cédric. On attend de tes nouvelles en direct dès que tu peux. Nous étions hier soir chez Annie, nous avons bu du champagne à ta santé. Nous partons aujourd'hui pour Biarritz (pour la semaine), tu peux nous joindre sur notre portable ou celui d'annie 06 76 75 51 96. Soigne toi bien dès que tu seras rentré.
La barre était très haute, vous ne pouviez pas prévoir tout ce qu'il vous est arrivé, ce sont des pays très beaux mais trés difficiles. On reparlera de tout ça de vive voix.
J'espère que tu te portes mieux. rassure moi vite (si tu as besoin de nous à Londres, on ira)
Encore plein de félicitations à tous les deux pour cet exploit , dis bien des choses à Paul.
On t"embrasse
Maman papa

Anonymous said...

Yes... what the English Parents said! Worrying stuff indeed. And Ced, that's more than I ever wanted to know about your poo. Cheers mate!