Monday, 18 August 2008

Update on the boys

Just spoken to Paul. Following a few days of stomach problems, they are taking a slight detour to a big town so Cedric can get checked out by a doctor to be on the safe side. It sounds like they have got the right medicine now but just want to speak to a doctor to make sure everything is ok. Will update blog when I hear anything more from them.

For Cedric's parents = Paul has his phone with him if you wanted to call him.


Anonymous said...

We don't know who wrote this message but we thank you . Cedric parents have called Paul, they just have to wait now for more news : it's the most difficult for them !!!
May you excuse all my english spelling mistakes !
Françoise (Cedric'aunt)

Brruno said...

Good luck buddies! Hope you feel better soon, you're almost there!

Anonymous said...

Bonjour, nous rentrons de vacances et nous mettons seulement sur internet pour voir où vous en êtes et bien ce n'est pas la pleine forme. Nous espérons que le medecin donnera beaucoup de vitamines à Cédric pour aller jusqu'au bout de l'aventure car vous avez fait pas mal de chemin et ça doit être super.
Nous espérons seulement que vous vous remettrez vite sur pied.
Cédric, tu viendras faire un séjour en France pour reprendre quelques kilos !!!!

Allez bisous et bon courage
Nathalie Ludo Daphnée et Leslie

the english parents said...

to Cedric's parents
So sorry for not replying to give you Pauls' number only just read todays blog. We hadn't realised Credic was so ill. WE hope that he is now on the road to recovery but if you have any more difficulties and want to get in touch with us at any time our phone number is 01625 875664

Anonymous said...

Once again, thank you very very much for what you're doing, being so helpful with Cedric and the french family !!!
Genevieve (his mother), Jacques (his father), Jean-Luc (his uncle you met in London), Plume (the dog) and me, (Françoise :Jean-Luc's wife, who speaks a lot !)would like to say, with our poor english words, how much we are grateful to you !
Your parents should be very proud of you !
Take care !
Thank you very much too to Paul's parents for the last comment.(I'll translate it to Cedric's parents)